Olive drab was a term for military uniforms back in the day. I figured it was quite appropriate considering this whole outfit is military-ish, from the military style coat, olive tones, and lace up cap-toed boots. Yes, usually too much of any trend is bad but I like to think I was into military garb way before it was a trend... so there. Seems like all my outfits have been beigy grays, olive, and black lately so I am sparing you the variety of similar looks. Also, I am lazy, at least with blogging. I have on the other hand been very busy crocheting. My last trip to the craft store got a question from the super sweet check-out chick about what in the world kind of project I'm working on because of the huge variety and sheer amount of yarn I was buying. The answer is this: hats, scarves, dog sweaters, and jewelry. It' surprisingly consuming. I guess I haven't felt like painting lately and crocheting and knitting is so easily transportable. I can take it to work and chat with my girls at lunch while my hands busily loop and hook away. If you've never tried it, I highly recommend it even though you will get grandma jokes from your friends.
Today's list: BR coat, Limited sweater, wilt sheer boyfriend shirt, BR skirt, gypsy 05 leggings, rockport boots, and
rookie rags bag