Anatomical face mist- this stuff smells awesome. I can't wait to use it as a cool refresher on my face and neck after walking the dogs tomorrow.
Novex Brazilian kerarin hair treatment- very excited to try this.
Jelly pong pong lip blush- tons of color, nice texture. The plastic feels a little cheap for something that is 18$ fullsize but the product inside seems worth it.
Modelco eyeshadow duo- I'm not sure how this is supposed to be 25$ full size. As far as I'm concerned the quality is very underwelming. The lighter shade is like coarsely crushed pearls, gritty and much to glittery for my taste. The upside is the built in mirror. I love those.
Sue devitt triple c-weed pressed powder- this is very pale but a nice texture and well made packaging.
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Novex Brazilian kerarin hair treatment- very excited to try this.
Jelly pong pong lip blush- tons of color, nice texture. The plastic feels a little cheap for something that is 18$ fullsize but the product inside seems worth it.
Modelco eyeshadow duo- I'm not sure how this is supposed to be 25$ full size. As far as I'm concerned the quality is very underwelming. The lighter shade is like coarsely crushed pearls, gritty and much to glittery for my taste. The upside is the built in mirror. I love those.
Sue devitt triple c-weed pressed powder- this is very pale but a nice texture and well made packaging.
Denim makeup bag and coupon from guess jeans